1.Yes, this was said as a joke I will refrain from most chatting with you since it seems to offend your traditional values.
2.From her I learned to tell the truth, to refrain from waste, to be considerate of the weak and respectful to age.
3.The philosophy of this movement was to "let things appear as they are" or to refrain from reading our presuppositions into a text.
4.Given the key part that this incident is said to have played in the diplomatic scene , I can't refrain from registering my view .
5.the best way to go about it professionally is to ask that they refrain from interrupting the presentation until a more appropriate time.
6.The best way not to get very unhappy is to refrain from the wish to be very happy.
7.Hawking's argument was that perhaps mankind should stay quiet and refrain from trying to send signals into outer space.
8.Was it wrong for a while to refrain from publishing any positive views or to publish only a few and to let erroneous views go unrefuted?
9.Let you and I, too, refrain from saying words that are perhaps correct but superfluous , and simply be quiet for a few seconds.
10.Christians, or adherents of any religion for that matter, should refrain from using holy text to fight politically over human concerns.